Award-winning Sustainable Product Designer

Virgin Climate Smart Zone Launch

On August 10, 2018 I helped Richard Branson, Usain Bolt, the Virgin Unite team, Airbnb, and the Prime Ministers from Jamaica, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia launch the Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator in Kingston. We crafted a presentation to 26 island nations and unveiled the Accelerator Speed Award identity. 40 other public and private sector organizations have joined the Accelerator’s wider coalition of partners. Some examples include: Bill Gates of Microsoft, Breakthrough Energy Coalition, Clinton Foundation, GSMA, Airbnb, The Nature Conservancy, Tesla, The Virgin Group, Willis Towers Watson, PwC, the Cadmus Group TIDES, Zero Mass Water, and the World Bank.

My goal was to incorporate visuals that showed how island nations can reduce their climate vulnerability and build economic security for its citizens by embracing today’s technologies.

The first challenge was to visualize what the world's first climate-smart zone would look like.

The first challenge was to visualize what the world's first climate-smart zone would look like.

The second challenge was crafting an award identity that would celebrate speed and action.

The second challenge was crafting an award identity that would celebrate speed and action.

Last minute we changed the name to provide association with the accelerator.

Last minute we changed the name to provide association with the accelerator.

We ended up with a regenerative logo that embodied forward motion and movement.

We ended up with a regenerative logo that embodied forward motion and movement.

8-time Olympic Gold Medal Winner Usain Bolt unveiled the “Speed Award” identity to accelerate the work of the Caribbean Climate Smart Accelerator.

8-time Olympic Gold Medal Winner Usain Bolt unveiled the “Speed Award” identity to accelerate the work of the Caribbean Climate Smart Accelerator.

The award will be presented annually identifying the best initiatives across countries, companies, communities, and individuals.

The award will be presented annually identifying the best initiatives across countries, companies, communities, and individuals.

Prime Ministers from Jamaica, Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Lucia were on hand.

Jamaican President Andrew Holness joked that Richard was the only one who was dressed appropriately for climate change.

Jamaican President Andrew Holness joked that Richard was the only one who was dressed appropriately for climate change.

So Richard got up on stage and helped him remove his tie.

So Richard got up on stage and helped him remove his tie.

(If he had some scissors on hand I am sure would have cut his tie off)

Partners include the Virgin Group, Airbnb, Usain Bolt, , The TIDES Foundation,  Zero Mass Water and Sean Paul.

Partners include the Virgin Group, Airbnb, Usain Bolt, , The TIDES Foundation, Zero Mass Water and Sean Paul.

The Inter-American Development Bank announced that it will partner with the Accelerator to program and implement the $1 billion in funds that it pledged at President Macron’s Paris One Planet summit.

The Inter-American Development Bank announced that it will partner with the Accelerator to program and implement the $1 billion in funds that it pledged at President Macron’s Paris One Planet summit.

The first winners will be announced in June 2019.

The first winners will be announced in June 2019.

Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the Inter-American Development Bank, has played a key role in bringing together a multinational coalition.

Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the Inter-American Development Bank, has played a key role in bringing together a multinational coalition.

“Our goal is ambitious and bold... We have a vision of a Caribbean... built on innovation, powered by clean, sustainable energy and accelerated by public and private investment.”

“Our goal is ambitious and bold... We have a vision of a Caribbean... built on innovation, powered by clean, sustainable energy and accelerated by public and private investment.”

- Sir Richard Branson
